diumenge, 26 d’agost del 2007

To dunk the 'fartó'

Val.: «Mullar el fartó»

És una manera bròfega de dir tindre sexe.


It is a vulgar way for expressing 'to have a screw'

* fartó: Valencian gastronomic delicatessen. It's an elongated bun made of flour, milk, eggs, oil, sugar and backing powder. It's eated complemented with Valencian tiger nut's juice called orxata.
learn more about orxata i fartons.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Ara sí que aprofundim en la cultura. Açò m'encisa!

Delight us with your explanations!

It just came to my mind: "Mullar el xurro"

Anònim ha dit...

Us convide a totes a probar el fartó en orxata tal i com l'entenem al meu poble.
