Val. «Arribar i besar el sant»
Fer processons per a venerar sants i màrtirs és una tradició mediterrània i valenciana. Al final d'estes caminades col·lectives és habitual besar els peus o les mans del sant, a fi de conseguir cures miraculoses. A vegades la congregació ha de caminar molts quilòmetres per a besar el sant. Amb l'expressió «Arribar i besar el sant» els valencians expressem sorpresa quan una persona resol una situació molt ràpidament.
It's a Mediterranean (therefore Valencian) tradition and habit to make collective processions to venerate Saints and martyrs. At the end of this processions it is habitual to kiss the Saint's feet or hands, looking for miraculous cures or health recoverings. Sometimes the congregation must walk many miles before they can kiss the saint.
With this phrase Valencians express astonishment when somebody solves a situation very quickly.
- I left my car in the garage and they have repaired it in just ten minutes; can you believe it?
- Oh! It's incredible: that's to arrive and kiss the saint!
It's a Mediterranean (therefore Valencian) tradition and habit to make collective processions to venerate Saints and martyrs. At the end of this processions it is habitual to kiss the Saint's feet or hands, looking for miraculous cures or health recoverings. Sometimes the congregation must walk many miles before they can kiss the saint.
With this phrase Valencians express astonishment when somebody solves a situation very quickly.
- I left my car in the garage and they have repaired it in just ten minutes; can you believe it?
- Oh! It's incredible: that's to arrive and kiss the saint!
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What do you believe? That we change hard coins for pesetas? We don't suck our finger... we'll stay good! who wants little fishes must wet his butt. release the turkeys or go to make the hand, less-shamed!
Que'l creus? que canviem duros per pesetes? ací no s'hi xuplem el dit... estariem bons! qui vol peixets s'ha de mullar el culet. solta els titos o mou a fer la mà, poca vergonya!
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