dimarts, 2 d’octubre del 2007

This is like shitting on oneself and not wiping one's bottom

Val. «Ser [una cosa] per a cagar-se i no torcar-se»

Es diu que una situació és per a cagar-se i no tocar-se quan és increïble, inesperada o sorprenent.


When a situation is per a cagar-se i no torcar-se (literally, per a [‘like’] cagar-se [‘shitting on oneself’] i no [‘and not’] torcar-se [‘wiping one’s bottom’]), we mean that a given situation is extremely surprising and unexpected. Sometimes the expression involves a shade of gossip, as normally we use this expression when talking about some other’s lives.

2 comentaris:

xiquillo ha dit...

Hola col.legues. Un comentari. Pense que sonaria millor traduït: to be "like shitting on oneself and not wiping one's bottom". El "himself" este no quadra molt. Ja em dieu que penseu. Vinga, auu kakau!!!

Josep ha dit...

Xiquillo, tens tota la raó. De fet eixa és la solució que dóna el diccionari. Ha sigut un error. Ho canviaré amb caràcter urgent.

Xiquillo, you're fucking right. In fact your translation is the one given by the dictionary. I will change it immediatly.