dimecres, 23 de juliol del 2008

Those who don't run any risks will never catch a fish

Val.: «Qui no s’arrisca no pisca»

It means that when you want to achieve a purpose, to get something you really want, you must make an effort to get it. You must not be afraid of the consequences or possible risks that your actions might imply.


Vol dir que quan algú vol assolir algun objectiu, aconseguir alguna cosa, cal que s’esforce de valent i que treballe per a aconseguir-ho, sense tindre por de les conseqüències o dels possibles riscs.

Example / Exemple:

Val. Li agrada molt eixa xica però no s’atreveix a proposar-li una cita. Jo sempre li dic que qui no s’arrisca no pisca.

Eng. He feels attracted to her but he is too shy to ask her out. I always tell him that those who don’t run any risks will never catch a fish.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Excellent guide Valencian-English. I'm going to use it in London.

Nelo ha dit...

L'home covard no troba dona bonica.