dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010

Those who come and go to the grocer’s, support two houses

Val. «Qui a la botigueta va i ve, dos cases manté»

Significa que els que van sovint a comprar a la menuda arriben a gastar-se el doble de diners. I és que és molt més barat fer la compra de la setmana d’una sola vegada en un mercat, supermercat o hipermercat que no baixar a la botiga de comestibles del barri cada vegada que necessitem una cosa. La botigueta sol vendre els seus productes molt més cars.


This proverb means that people who only buy at the grocery store end up spending more money than necessary. It is much cheaper to go to the Town Market or to a supermarket once a week to do the shopping of the week rather than buying a product in the nearest grocer’s each time you need something. The latter are more at hand but their products are much more expensive.