divendres, 15 de gener del 2010

To those who have not job, the Devil gives them some

Val. «Qui no té faena, el dimoni li'n dona»

It's said about the people who, being idle, spend their time in pernicious activities.


Es diu de la gent qui, estant ociosa, malbarata el seu temps en activitats pernicioses.


Mike says that he's bored, because he has lost his job, and now he's always at home playing videogames and getting stoned.
To those who have not job, the Devil gives them some.


Miquel diu que està avorrit, perquè s'ha quedat sense el seu treball, i ara no fa més que jugar a videojocs i estar fumat.

Qui no té faena, el dimoni li'n dona.

divendres, 8 de gener del 2010

To get into bed through the same hole

Val.: «Ficar-se en el llit pel mateix forat»

This is an alternative way of saying that a person never does his bed. It suggests the image of a person who gets each night into bed slipping through the same space between sheets and mattress that he left the night before.


Se sol dir açò de la persona que no es fa mai el llit i que, cada nit, s’introduïx en el jaç pel mateix espai entre els llençols i el matalaf que havia deixat la nit anterior.


Haven’t you done your bed yet? You’ll get into it through the same hole, as I’m not doing it for you.


Encara no t’has fet el llit? Doncs et ficaràs pel mateix forat, que jo no te’l pense fer.