dissabte, 12 de desembre del 2009

I cross myself

Val. «Me’n faig creus»

Fer-se creus’ means to be astonished. Thus, you say ‘Me’n faig creus’ when you can’t believe something unusual that somebody has just told you, or something extraordinary that has just happened. The origin of the expression is obviously christian: in our culture, you make the sign of the cross when you are astonished or when you want to ask God for protection.

When we tell her what has happened, she’ll cross herself

I can’t believe my eyes! I cross myself!


«Fer-se creus» significa admirar-se, estranyar-se, davant una cosa insòlita, extraordinària, increïble. L’origen de l’expressió és, òbviament, cristià: en la nostra cultura, la gent se senya per a mostrar respecte a Déu o per a demanar-li protecció quan passa una cosa inesperada.

Quan li direm el que ha passat, se’n farà creus

No m’ho puc creure, me’n faig creus!